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Installation And Usage

Install core packages:

yarn add @kikko-land/react

You also need to install and configure SQLite backend you need. Please, checkout backend section in the doc for more info.

After wrap the whole app with this components(usage example for vite web):

import { absurdWebBackend } from "@kikko-land/absurd-web-backend";
import { DbProvider, EnsureDbLoaded } from "@kikko-land/react";
import sqlWasmUrl from "@kikko-land/sql.js/dist/sql-wasm.wasm?url";

const createNotesTableMigration: IMigration = {
up: async (db) => {
await db.runQuery(
sql`CREATE TABLE notes (id varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT NOT NULL);`
id: 18,
name: "createNotesTable",

const config: IInitDbClientConfig = {
dbName: "db-name",
dbBackend: absurdWebBackend({
wasmUrl: sqlWasmUrl,
plugins: [
migrationsPlugin({ migrations: [createNotesTableMigration] }),

export const App = () => (
<DbsHolder defaultDbConfig={config}>
<EnsureDbLoaded fallback={<div>Loading db...</div>}>
<Notes />

Then use it in your child components:

import {
} from "@kikko-land/react";

type Note = { id: string; title: string };
const notesTable = sql.table`notes`;

export const Notes = () => {
const notes = useDbQuery<Note>(sql`SELECT * FROM ${notesTable}`);
const notesCount = useFirstRowDbQuery<{ count: number }>(
sql`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ${notesTable}`

const addNote = useRunDbQuery((db) => async () => {
const id = makeId();

await db.runQuery(
sql`INSERT INTO ${notesTable}(id, title) VALUES(${id}, ${`Note#${id}`})`

return (
<button onClick={addNote}>Add note</button>
<div>Add note result: {addNote.state.value}</div>
<div>Query result (total notes count: {})</div>