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Reactive queries plugin

Installation And Usage

Install it:

yarn add @kikko-land/reactive-queries-plugin

Add this plugin to initDb:

const db = await initDbClient({
dbName: "helloWorld4",
dbBackend: absurdWebBackend({
wasmUrl: "",
plugins: [reactiveQueriesPlugin()],

And then listen your queries:

const unsubscribe = listenQueries(db, [sql`SELECT * FROM ${sql.table`notes`}`], (res) => {
console.log("Queries result: ", res);

// You can also unsubscribe lately
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);

CodeSandbox example:

How reactivity works

This plugin gathers information about which tables are used when you build queries.

sql`SELECT * FROM ${sql.table`notes`} WHERE id = (SELECT noteId FROM ${
)} LIMIT 1)`{ name }) => name)
// => ["notes", "comments"]

reactive-plugin will hook on each query run and determine if read or write query will be executed by SQLite. When write query finished executing, reactive-plugin will notify all other tabs (using broadcast-channel) which tables were changed. Then all queries that are subscribed to changed tables will be notified.