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useDbQuery / useFirstRowDbQuery

Usage example:



Usage example:

type IRow = {
id: string;
title: string;

const notesTable = sql.table("notes");

const RunComponent = () => {
const [createRow, _createState] = useRunDbQuery(
(db) => async (data: IRow) => {
await runQuery(
sql`INSERT INTO ${notesTable}(id, title) VALUES(${}, ${data.title})`

const [updateRow, _updateState] = useRunDbQuery(
(db) => async (data: Partial<IRow> & { id: string }) => {
await runQuery(
sql`UPDATE ${notesTable} SET id=${}, title=${data.title} WHERE id=${}`

const run = useCallback(async () => {
const row = { id: "123", title: "HEY!" };

await runQuery(
sql`INSERT INTO ${notesTable}(id, title) VALUES(${}, ${row.title})`

await updateRow({ ...row, title: "updated" });
}, [createRow, updateRow]);

return <button onClick={run}>Run</button>;

By default all queries in useRunDbQuery will run in transaction. You can disable it in the second argument with { inTransaction?: boolean }.

useDb / useDbStrict

const Component = () => {
// Or you can use `useDbStrict`, it will throw exception if DB not initialized
const db = useDb();

const exec = async () => {
if (!db) return;

await db.runQuery(sql`SELECT * FROM ${sql.table`notes`}`);

This hook is used internally, but you still can access db if you need. Usually you need useDbQuery/useRunDbQuery to run queries.